23 April, 2011

The 30-Day Challenge: Day Twenty-Eight

So, I've tossed around the idea of playing along with this facebook trend for some time. But I've never really enjoyed following trends. However, my apparent narcissism keeps bringing me back to it.

That being said, I'm going to participate, but I'm going to do it here, instead of on facebook. (The goal is to satisfy my narcissism, as well as motivate me to start using my blog again.) Enjoy!

Day Twenty-Eight - A picture of something which you are afraid.

I've always had an irrational fear of heights. I always have; I assume I always will. If you cannot, this is what it looks like if you look straight down from the top of the Eiffel Tower. It was an incredible sight to see. Although, I didn't get a look quite like this; I had to reach my hand far outside the net and point my camera downward to get this view. I will say, even looking at this gives me a bit of a chill.

I try not to let the fear slow me down. There are things I want to do, regardless of this fear. I love riding roller coasters, but man do they scare the life out of me. When I visited Paris, I went with someone else who claimed to be afraid of heights. They refused to climb the tower. I thought that was an unfortunate life decision. I can't imagine turning down an opportunity of such momentous proportions for anything.

Sure, I was afraid, but it was a rush. I was scared to look down, but it was incredible...

UPDATE: Meigan wins a prize, because she realised I rewrote today's prompt so it would not end with a preposition. If you noticed, too, you should have said something.

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