05 April, 2011

The 30-Day Challenge: Day Seventeen

So, I've tossed around the idea of playing along with this facebook trend for some time. But I've never really enjoyed following trends. However, my apparent narcissism keeps bringing me back to it.

That being said, I'm going to participate, but I'm going to do it here, instead of on facebook. (The goal is to satisfy my narcissism, as well as motivate me to start using my blog again.) Enjoy!

Day Seventeen - A picture of your biggest insecurity.

The above photo was taken during my commencement speech. I was given the opportunity to speak as the Class President of 2010. It was a really powerful moment in my life, but it was also one of the most terrifying. One of my biggest insecurities is public speaking. Not necessarily the talk-to-people type of public speaking, but this more formal I-wrote-this-and-you-should-like-it type of speaking. I always want people to think I'm being meaningful, eloquent, humourous, or otherwise well-spoken, and so when I take the time to write things is when it gets terribly unnerving.

The average person would probably tell me that I'm making a mountain out of a mole-hill. They'd say I always do really well when I write like that. If that's the case, it's really only because I work so hard and stress myself out about making it perfect.

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