17 March, 2011

The 30-Day Challenge: Day Five

So, I've tossed around the idea of playing along with this facebook trend for sometime. But I've never really enjoyed following trends. However, my apparent narcissism keeps bringing me back to it.

That being said, I'm going to participate, but I'm going to do it here, instead of on facebook. (The goal is to satisfy my narcissism, as well as motivate me to start using my blog again.) Enjoy!

Day Five - A picture of your favourite memory.

That is my dear friend, Andy McGuire, expressing a fraction of his excitement for what ended up being our final evening in London. With a prompt as vague as "favourite memory", I was worried I wouldn't know what kind of photo to use. However, I started looking at my photos from my semester abroad and decided it had to be something from that time in my life. Then I knew.

The tickets Andy is holding are for Waiting for Godot, starring Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellan (if you follow the link to the show, Stewart is no longer playing Vladimir). We woke up and stood in line because they sell tickets every morning for that day's show, and the seats were the in the front row. I actually wrote a sizable post about this after it happened, so if you'd like the detailed version of the events, read that. The short version, it was the most amazing theatre I will ever see in my life, and after the show, I went to the stage door AND MET BOTH OF THEM. THEY BOTH HAD SHORT CONVERSATIONS WITH ME AND SIGNED THE POSTER OF THE SHOW I PURCHASED. And I proved that in my old age, I can still be as flustered as a twelve-year-old girl meeting Justin Bieber.

1 comment:

  1. Maaan I want to meet Picard and Gandalf!

    Also if I were an actual knight I would wear armor all the time and challenge other knights to duels.

    Also I would totally not do that.
