That being said, I'm going to participate, but I'm going to do it here, instead of on facebook. (The goal is to satisfy my narcissism, as well as motivate me to start using my blog again.) Enjoy!

Day Fourteen - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
This is now the fourth prompt expecting me to begin gushing about someone in my life. That's obnoxious to the nth degree--or the fourth degree... yeah!? Do you see what I did there?? Sorry. I mean, once made sense; twice was mildly frustrating enough. And I feel like another prompt was basically asking the same question, in a converse manner. Either way, the moral of this story is that I don't like gushing about people in my life. You can draw whatever assumptions you'd like from that. I wasn't loved enough as a child. I have a debilitating disorder that limits the amount of friends who will put up with me. Because of abuse as a child, I lack the ability to articulate any emotions other than hatred, with a side of ignorance.
Anywho, rant and inappropriate jokes aside, there are quite a few people I couldn't imagine living without because they have been an impact on my life; they have changed me in ways I could never actually understand. Above is a picture of Meigan and I. She's pretty much wonderful in every way. She's meant the world to me, and been such a huge part of my life for the last year. I'm kind of crazy about her. I just wish I wasn't wearing sweatpants in the picture.
Anywho, rant and inappropriate jokes aside, there are quite a few people I couldn't imagine living without because they have been an impact on my life; they have changed me in ways I could never actually understand. Above is a picture of Meigan and I. She's pretty much wonderful in every way. She's meant the world to me, and been such a huge part of my life for the last year. I'm kind of crazy about her. I just wish I wasn't wearing sweatpants in the picture.